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Open source h2oGPT and LLM Studio

Create private, offline GPT with h2oGPT

Compare different LLMs

Chat with your documents

Expert settings - configure your model to your use case

h2oGPT simplifies the process of creating a private LLM

By using a local language model and vector database, you can maintain control over your data and ensure privacy while still having access to powerful language processing capabilities. 

One solution is h2oGPT, a project hosted on GitHub that brings together all the components mentioned above in an easy-to-install package. It includes a large language model, an embedding model, a database for document embeddings, a command-line interface, and a graphical user interface. 

It supports several types of documents including plain text (.txt), comma-separated values (.csv), Word (.docx and .doc), PDF, Markdown (.md), HTML, Epub, and email files (.eml and .msg).

Released as open source under Apache-2.0 license

Active development Start Chatting! Hugging Face Spaces

What is it?

Commercially usable code, data, and models

Prompt engineering

Ability to prepare open source datasets for tuning LLMs


Code for fine-tuning large language models (currently up to 20B parameters) on commodity hardware and enterprise GPU servers (single or multi node)


  • LoRA (low-rank approximation)

  • 8-bit quantization for memory-efficient fine-tuning and generation.


Chatbot with UI and Python API


LLM performance evaluation

The Making of h2oGPT

We have recently released a research paper detailing some of the work done to create the fine-tuned h2oGPT models. We show what data and models were used in the process.

icon of a document icon of a document

Introducing H2OGPT: An Overview

Take a look at this demo to learn more about h2oGPT’s capabilities and explore its potential in the future of AI. The video covers its significance, features, productivity benefits, and the advantages of open-source models.

Fine-tuning LLMs with H2O LLM Studio

Discover how to fine-tune large language models (LLMs) with our webinar and elevate your use cases. You will unveil the immense power of LLMs and spotlight the groundbreaking features of H2O LLM Studio.

Closed AI vs Open Source AI

While popular models such as OpenAI's ChatGPT/GPT-4, Anthropic's Claude, Microsoft's Bing AI Chat, Google's Bard, and Cohere are powerful and effective, they have certain limitations compared to open source LLMs:


Limitations of Existing Models

Data Privacy and Security: Using hosted LLMs requires sending data to external servers. This can raise concerns about data privacy, security, and compliance, especially for sensitive information or industries with strict regulations.

Dependency and Customization: Hosted LLMs often limit the extent of customization and control, as users rely on the service provider's infrastructure and predefined models.

Cost and Scalability: Hosted LLMs usually come with usage fees, which can increase significantly with large-scale applications. 

Access and Availability: Hosted LLMs may be subject to downtime or limited availability, affecting users' access to the models.


Benefits of Open Source Models

Lower TCO: users can scale the models on their own infrastructure without incurring additional costs from the service provider.

Flexible: Deployed on-premises or on private clouds, ensuring uninterrupted access and reducing reliance on external providers.

Tunable: Allow users to tailor the models to their specific needs, deploy on their own infrastructure, and even modify the underlying code.